Here are slides and materials for some of my presentations.
- Exotic error bounds, Karamata theory and convergence rate analysis, ISMP24 [pdf]
- Error Bounds and Facial Residual Functions for Conic Linear Programs, OWOS [pdf, video]
- Completely solving general SDPs, T60 [pdf]
- An (hopefully gentle) introduction to error bounds for conic problems, SOMA [pdf]
- Error bounds for conic problems and an application to the exponential cone, SIAM OP21 [pdf]
- Spectral functions and an apology of Jordan Algebras, WOMBAT [pdf, video]
- 凸錐の露出性について (On exposedness of convex cones), 「数理最適化の理論・アルゴリズム・応用 」[pdf]