New preprint “Concrete convergence rates for common fixed point problems under Karamata regularity”


Available at OO, arxiv.


Tianxiang Liu (Tokyo Institute of Technology); Bruno F. Lourenço (ISM).


We introduce the notion of Karamata regular operators, which is a notion of regularity that is suitable for obtaining concrete convergence rates for common fixed point problems. This provides a broad framework that includes, but goes beyond, Hölderian error bounds and Hölder regular operators. By concrete, we mean that the rates we obtain are explicitly expressed in terms of a function of the iteration number \({k}\) instead, of say, a function of the iterate \({x^k}\). While it is well-known that under Hölderian-like assumptions many algorithms converge linearly/sublinearly (depending on the exponent), little it is known when the underlying problem data does not satisfy Hölderian assumptions, which may happen if a problem involves exponentials and logarithms. Our main innovation is the usage of the theory of regularly varying functions which we showcase by obtaining concrete convergence rates for quasi-cylic algorithms in non-Hölderian settings. This includes certain rates that are neither sublinear nor linear but sit somewhere in-between, including a case where the rate is expressed via the Lambert W function. Finally, we connect our discussion to o-minimal geometry and show that definable operators in any o-minimal structure are always Karamata regular.